Adding Landscape Lighting (a.k.a Magic!) to the Cottage Garden with Kichler

Adding Landscape Lighting (a.k.a Magic!) to the Cottage Garden with Kichler

The landscape lighting featured in this post was gifted to me by Kichler, all opinions and installation suggestions are my own. Please read your instruction manuals and consult an electrician if you are unaccustomed to working with electrical!

If you saw my One Room Challenge reveal, then you know my front garden underwent a major transformation this spring! It has evolved from sad and weedy to a magical space that brings me so much joy. I now go out to wander through the garden a few times a day! While I love plucking through the yard in the daytime, the garden in the evening is definitely my favorite. It is so soothing to sit out on the bench and read a book, or watch the sunset, or chat with a friend. The garden feels utterly magical as the sun turns the sky pink and a big part of that magic is the addition of Kichler’s landscape lighting!

Continue reading “Adding Landscape Lighting (a.k.a Magic!) to the Cottage Garden with Kichler”

Tomatoes and Cucumbers and Squash, oh My! Building DIY branch trellises for my garden, ORC – week 6

It has been raining a lot in Portland. For about a week and a half now it’s been rainy and the temperatures have dipped. It’s by no means arctic out there, but for this California girl, it is cold! I’ve been trying to sneak out into the garden to get work done whenever I can, but I draw the line at excessive rainfall. I really dislike being cold and wet. My motivation to do anything dwindles. Unfortunately, this is putting a snare in my One Room Challenge progress! I’ve lost whole weekends and lots of evenings to rain. Though some of my plants are loving the soaking, my hot season veggies and my roses are barely tolerating the dampness. I’m looking forward to the end of next week, when that summer sun returns (hopefully for the long haul!).

In the meantime, on my days I have been able to get in some time in the garden, I’ve been working on tackling the vegetables, getting every last start into the ground and figuring out a trellis system! I’ve been going a little rogue with garden spacing after reading Kitchen Garden Revival by Nicole Johnsey Burke. I’m planting everything close together and hoping to trellis it all upwards. That means a few measly tomato cages probably won’t cut it. The majority of my tomatoes are indeterminate varieties, meaning they will continue to grow and produce until they’re killed off by fall frosts. I only selected one or two determinate varieties (which grow to a certain size and then put out their entire fruit and then die). And I have over ten varieties of tomatoes, y’all. It’s going to be crazy!

Continue reading “Tomatoes and Cucumbers and Squash, oh My! Building DIY branch trellises for my garden, ORC – week 6”

Progress in the Garden, ORC – week 3

Progress in the Garden, ORC – week 3

This has been an interesting week in the garden. I feel like I’ve done a lot… but also not very much? I think the work I have done is a lot less backbreaking, so perhaps I’m literally feeling a difference in my body. I’m not as sore! I think its a transition time for the garden too. The early spring flowers are fading, but the summer flowers aren’t quite up yet. It’s been cool again too. I’m hoping in the next week, when we have some glorious sun and temps in the 80s, the garden will start popping again!

Continue reading “Progress in the Garden, ORC – week 3”

My dream English-Inspired Cottage Garden and Vegetable Garden plans for the ORC – week 1

My dream English-Inspired Cottage Garden  and Vegetable Garden plans for the ORC – week 1

Ahhhh!!! I cannot wait to share this with y’all! I’ve been dreaming and planning this project for so, so long! To prepare I’ve been out in the garden as much as possible for months weeding and weeding and weeding some more. It’s been exhausting, but so exciting to see the fruits of my labor come to life.

Continue reading “My dream English-Inspired Cottage Garden and Vegetable Garden plans for the ORC – week 1”

Potager Plans and Garden Inspiration

Potager Plans and Garden Inspiration

It’s starting to inch closer to Spring here in Portland, OR. And by Spring I mean, it’s March but the weather is still 27° in the mornings and it’s supposed to snow next week, but hey, who cares right? ME. I care! It’s FREEZING and I am over it. I am ready for warm weather and sunshine and sitting in my backyard enjoying the heat. So I’ve begun daydreaming and planning and pinning my backyard renovation. It’s a long ways to completion since demo and rebuilding of the garage is not on the docket until next summer, but I do want to get quite a few other things done out here this year.

Continue reading “Potager Plans and Garden Inspiration”